Don't lower your standards for anyone or anything | Self Respect Quotes

Self Respect Quotes, Quotes,

Self Respect Quotes

01. "The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I'm not going to let myself pull me down anymore." - C. JoyBell C.

02. "To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves, there lies the great, singular power of self-respect." - Joan Didion

03. "Self-respect knows no considerations." - Mahatma Gandhi

04. "Never violate the sacredness of your individual self-respect." - Theodore Parker

06. "Self-respect is a question of recognizing that anything worth having has a price." - Joan Didion

07. "Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue." - John Herschel

08. "Respect yourself and others will respect you." - Confucius

09. "A man can stand a lot as long as he can stand himself." - Axel Munthe

10. "Don't trade in your authenticity for approval." - Anonymous

11. "Know your worth. Don't settle for less than you deserve." - Unknown

12. "Self-respect is not a function of size, age, or wealth. Breathe deep, sing loud, and sweet, and say your truth." - Whitney Otto

13. "Don't let your loyalty become slavery. If they don't appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone." - Unknown

14. "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha

15. "Self-respect is a question of recognizing that anything worth having has a price." - Anonymous

16. "Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy." - Robert Tew

17. "Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth." - Unknown

18. "Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

19. "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself." - Harvey Fierstein

20. "The better you feel about yourself, the less you feel the need to show off." - Robert Hand

21. "Self-respect is not selfish; you cannot truly respect others until you respect yourself." - Unknown